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My name is Erika Bogan. I am a Certified Trauma-Informed Mental Health Coach, recognized National Disability Advocate, Motivator & Adaptive Athlete. My mission is to teach others how to change their response to life.

As a mental health coach, I provide support and guidance to promote mental resilience and overall well-being. I help clients gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and patterns to reach specific goals. I assist clients in recognizing their challenges and strengths while providing accountability toward actionable steps for improving their lives.

In 2021, I designed and published a series of Gratitude & Mindfulness Journals that are now available for sale on Amazon!

What is Life CoAching?

Life happens.

When it does, we do not always know how to find a new normal.. As your coach, I am here to help you adapt to life changes, helping you to redefine yourself. Together, we will determine what your passion is, what motivates you and what is important for the next chapter in your life, while feeling a fresh sense of accountability. If you are feeling motivated to create change in your life and having someone there to help you find the tools you need to do so, coaching is for you.